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Crest and Shield Book 2: an O R D E R mini Page 11

  Chapter Eleven

  Reik was not the bit unnerved when Kiel delivered the order to set up the heavy weapons division of the compound. He was over personnel and resources after all. There was nothing out of the ordinary about it. He was overwhelmed when the 1st Narce ordered the wall reinforcement project. When he was later informed that he would be the one over the Heavy Weapons team, his body went numb. Never mind the fact he was already overwhelmed with the construction. It meant the teams successes or failures would fall directly on him. Whatever their purpose, he knew orders for this division would come directly from the 1st Narce for his own particular use. That also meant specific results would likely be expected. From where he stood Grim Reapers had higher expectations than he thought himself capable of meeting.

  Reik had plenty of time to play out the horrors of possible outcomes as he walked the halls to Morrison's old office. He had walked this path many times in the past. Back then he hadn't been summoned to the office for a one on one meeting with a Grim Reaper soldier. As the door to Morrison's office grew closer and closer, Riek fought to calm his nerves and gain his composure. He was an officer and his demeanor should be that of an officer, especially in front of a Grim Reaper soldier. Inevitably he reached the door. Reik took a moment to straighten his uniform and make himself presentable before pressing the offices bell. No more than a second past before the office door abruptly slid open.

  "Come in." The gravely Reaper's voice grabbed Reik from within the room. Reik took a few short steps in and let the door slide shut behind him. Immediately he noticed that the room was less decorated than he remembered it being. It had obviously been stripped of all Morrison's plaques and ornaments. Inside he found the 6'9'' 320lb. 1st Narce standing across the room. He was staring intently at the one piece of familiar furniture in the room; Morrison's old desk.

  "Sub- Commander Reik. Thank you for joining me." Avahloh growled without breaking his stare.

  "Yes 1st Narce," Riek responded meekly. Next, the 1st Narce went inadequately silent for a long moment. It was long enough for it to become nervously uncomfortable for Reik. Standing with his arms folded against his bulging pec armor, bulging biceps completely exposed, the 1st Narce was completely silent.

  "I've been standing here," Avahloh finally began then paused. "I've been standing here for some time starring at the communications com connected to Morrison's desk." He finally continued. "Having served directly under his command, I'm sure you're very familiar with it."

  "Yes 1st Narce I am." Reik admitted. "I have received many orders from it."

  "And that is why I am staring at it. The Ruin, leader of the compound, choosing to deliver orders from an office desk, quite a distance from Central Command is perplexing to me. What are your thoughts on it Sub-Commander?"

  "I've never really gave it much thought honestly. I simply followed orders as they were communicated to me." Reik answered.

  "Why?" Avahloh asked. Reik could feel the perspiration begin to form on his head. His new commanding officer was asking about his motives as an officer. He did not know this man and did not know what the reasoning behind the question was. A Grim Reaper asking about actions of duty was a tightrope Reik did not want to find himself upon. However, he was there. As his mind raced for what he thought would be an acceptable answer, chills coursed through his body. He opened his mouth several times, but nothing came out. "I am not charging you Sub-Commander. I only want your honest analyzation. For the moment, you can throw out military expectations."

  "Ok," He swallowed to ease his drying throat. "In that case - I did so as a matter of function. Regardless of how the orders were communicated, I had to perform my duties to the best of my ability, in the most efficient and timely manner as possible."

  "Valid." Avahloh simply growled. Reik didn't know rather to take it as and positive agreement or just a neutral response. "I can imagine this is where Morrison was when the attack that cost him his life occurred."

  "Yes. From what I understand, he was here when the attack began." Even behind the mask Reik could tell there were a number of Reaper opinions on the matter being made in the 1'st Narces head.

  "Battle commands are dispersed from Central Command. If at all possible, that is where they should be given from as well."

  "I see. 1st Narce Monsoo never gave orders from his personal quarters?"

  "Monsoo had no personal quarters. Of course you wouldn’t know this. We take quarters amongst all the other Grim Reaper soldiers." No, Reik didn't know this. He didn't think anyone else did. Avahloh casually turned and faced a wall. Upon the nearly bare wall sat a huge piece of blue curved metal. Various dents and scratches covered the mostly square item which ended with a sharp point on the bottom. Arms still folded, Avahloh walked up to it.

  "Do you know what this is Sub-Commander?" Avahloh asked.

  "No 1st Narce. I've never seen it before. "

  "This is a Grim Reaper battle shield. They got a lot of use during the initial battles after Destruction. It is light enough for transport if it needed to be carried for long periods of time. It is strong enough to withstand high caliber weapons from a distance. Do you note the height at which it is mounted on the wall?"

  Riek took note. It was situated evenly about chest level to Avahloh. At his height, that was quite far off the ground.

  "I see it."

  Avahloh reached out with both hands, and with very little effort, removed it from the wall.

  "Readily accessible," he said as he turned and presented it towards Reik then slid one of his massive arms through the harness straps on the inside of the shield. "At the perfect height and position it needs to be for me to retrieve it for use. No more. No less. Efficient. A matter of function."

  "I understand."

  "I don't think you do, but you will. You know why you've never seen it before?"

  "No 1st Narce. Why?"

  "Because you've never needed to. Within these walls it serves no purpose so the reapers do not carry them. There is no need to showcase them. What point would there be in that? Now that the only thing performed outside compound walls are extermination missions, it has no use. When its use is needed again, it will be readily accessible. That is why it is still in this room."

  Reik stood there and let Avahloh's point sink in.

  "Walk with me. We're going above ground, out in the field, so our meeting can begin."

  Reik thought it had already begun.

  "Of course 1st Narce." Reik followed the 1st Narce out of the office. The two men navigated the sub-level halls and elevators to ground level mostly in silence. Once they reached ground level Avahloh led them on a leisurely stroll. The sounds of an active compound surrounded them as soldiers tended to their day to day duties. Reik had been summoned to Morrison’s old office for a meeting, now he found himself strolling across the compound grounds with a Grim Reaper. He decided to inquire on the purpose of the meeting since he hadn't been informed prior to.

  "I'm sure you would like to talk to me about the progress of the new construction?"

  "I would like to talk to you about the completion of the gate structure. I know the entire reinforcement will take some time. For now, that is all that matters. I am very impressed with the timeliness of its completion. I know the time frame was demanding but you have delivered."

  "It wasn't just me. I had the help of a lot of people. I'm very grateful for the time and energy put in by the personnel.”

  "Of course. No demanding goal can be reached without cooperative efforts. Everyone within these walls will be grateful as well." Avahloh turned and looked up at the newly built structure. “This is an impressive display of the organization of time, people, and resources. A valuable skill."

  "I am also grateful that you are pleased 1st Narce. We were lucky enough to have an original engineer of the compounds most recent exterior build to help us with the redesign."

  "So I've been told. I've been informed that this will make the gates twice as strong?"

/>   "Yes. Abney, the engineer, said that he capitalized on what he calls a triangular point build."


  "It's complicated to me, but he explained that instead of a totally flat surface, there are strategic points of triangular construction meant to absorb and disperse impact energy."

  "Innovative. The science may be beyond us, but as long as we're assured it works."

  "That's the stand I take on it as well. Commander Kiel says you're certain this will work on."

  "I am Sub-Commander. I will not ask you to trust me. Let us let this wall earn that."

  "It's not needed 1st Narce. I am a Compound officer and…"

  "It is beyond that Sub-Commander." Avahloh abruptly interrupted Reik. "Within these walls it is needed."

  Reik would no longer argue the point. The matter of trust was not a topic that was going to be settled during this conversation anyway.

  "Have you selected members for the heavy weapons division?" Avahloh finally got to the topic Reik was still dreading. He was still trying to figure out how to approach it.

  "Yes I have. If I knew more about their purpose I could be more accurately selective."

  "For now, I trust your judgment Sub-commander."

  "That is a great compliment coming from a Grim Reaper." The words slipped out of Reiks mouth before he thought about them. Maybe it was the lull of the casual nature of their conversation. Avahloh stopped and turned to him. Reik immediately tensed up.

  "Why so Sub- Commander."

  "Uhm, Well. I'll just be honest. I must say 1st Narce; most compound soldiers would find the expectations of a Grim Reaper high."

  "I would agree that most compound soldiers would. That doesn’t mean it is an accurate assessment. A Grim Reapers mind is focused on the definitive completion of the goal. Only Absolution Sub-Commander. Any other expectation when approaching a goal would not be approaching at all would it?"

  "I must honestly say, that is a very persuasive argument 1st Narce."

  "Not an argument Sub-Commander. An ideology proven through indoctrination."

  "An indoctrination I have not been privy to." Reik probed.

  "You ask a question without asking Sub-commander."

  "Quite observant 1st Narce. Everything we just discussed makes me brings up my next question. I've been informed you want me to also be the commanding officer of this division?"

  "That is correct. I hear doubt Sub Commander?"

  "Not doubt 1st Narce, but curiosity."

  "Speak Sub-Commander." Avahloh stopped and turned to Reik. Reik could feel the blazing red illuminated eyes of Avahloh’s Reaper mask burning through him. It was hard for anyone to hold their gaze. Reik looked down at the ground and began to walk again to try to hide his anxiety. He decided to let the words come out as he truly felt them. There was really no other way to address his feelings.

  "I already have a command. You could have chosen any number of well-prepared Reapers to head this division."

  "The Reapers have their designation Reik. They will do their part when it is time. Within these walls it is important that everyone be actively involved in the defense of this compound."


  "How many men have you managed to enlist thus far?" The 1st Narce had already decided to move on with the conversation. Reik decided not to push the question further. It was obvious the 1st Narce had already made up his mind about Reiks command.

  "I've managed to enlist all one hundred. Most of the men I managed to find have prior heavy weapons experience."

  "That is even better. Any foreseeable obstacles to the task?"

  "Again, it would help if I knew the specifics of the tasks that will be required of them. However, one issue is that we are limited on groups of any one specific weapon. It will be difficult to effectively organize and stock respectable ammo as there will be great inconsistencies on what will be needed."

  "But of course you will adjust as needed."

  "We will 1st Narce."

  "As far as their function, I will offer you this Sub-Commander. They will help in reinforcing the outer perimeter of the compound should the need arise. Anti-air guns are good for countering aerial bombardment, but direct siege may require a different response. One that needs to be more flexible and easily repositionable. Our ability to fluidly improvise will be necessary for our defense."

  "An easy point to agree with 1st Narce."

  "Thank you for informing me of the possible obstacles. That is minor in the grand scheme of things. Anything else?"

  "Not sure if it will be a problem but most of these men already have duties. They will be dispersed throughout different locations within the compound. Should I remove them from their current duties and designate them strictly for this purpose?

  "No, their current duties are still important and they all help to keep things functional. You will need to train for adequate response time. That is part of the nature of our current thing."

  "I will do my best."

  "That is part of why I chose you Sub-Commander."

  "Which brings me back to a question I am still very curious about. If you don't mind 1st Narce I really must inquire. Not as a matter of my function, but for my own satisfaction. I will perform my duties as required of me." the men stopped their stroll again. Reik squared up to Avahloh as he turned to face him. Reik looked up at the towering 1st Narce with a pure beseeching face. This time he held his gaze and stood as strong as he could. "But why me? Though I've served out in the field in the early part of my career, I have been a central command officer for some time now. I myself don't have much experience with heavy weapons nor do I have the most experience with coordinating this type of team."

  Avahloh’s piercing red eyes settled on Reiks face for a few quite moments. Reik held his gaze. Avahloh turned and fully faced the front gates then took a few steps forward, leaving Reik where he stood. He stared up at it for a few more quiet moments.

  "Join me up here Sub-Commander. Hesitant at first, Reik stepped and stood next to Avahloh and joined him in his spectating. "These men I've asked you to assemble need to answer to a man they respect. They do not yet know the mind of a Reaper. I require this man to be within Central Command because as far as I can, that is where my orders will be given from."

  "Readily accessible." Reik said.

  "Yes. I told you would eventually understand."

  "How are you so sure they will respect me 1st Narce?"

  "Because of what we're staring up at and what it took to get such a task done in the time allotted." Reik was silent. There was no way to argue the results of his efforts. Even Riek had to admit, Avahloh was right about the project. "As far as your experience, do not let your rank interfere with your ability to learn. Find someone within your ranks who possesses the required experience and rely upon his expertise. Delegate as needed. This is important Sub-Commander. As I said before, this is the nature of our current thing. Again I trust your judgement."

  Reik took in Avahloh's words and tried to let them sink in. Of course he didn't have a choice in the command and he would do his best as he had always done. He still wasn’t totally at ease about it. Reik felt he had only done his job. He started to think he had done his job too well. This front gate had painted him into a corner. The possibilities of things began to play in Reiks head as the two men continued their walk. Avahloh doesn’t know what he just did. Although he was still uneasy about being given this new command directly under Avahloh, Reik began to think of ways this may work to his advantage. First, this wall better hold up.